Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong 好書推薦
這個月看的第一本書Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong是本不錯的人文史地﹐剛出版的時候我就已經在看了
好看的人文史地Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong全書的內容大意
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看完心情愉快, 正能量滿滿, 大推! 在網路上很夯,人氣蠻不錯。
Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
The younger generation — those under the age of 25 — accounts for more than a quarter of Hong Kong’s population. A much-misunderstood group, these people have special characteristics and needs, and some are particularly vulnerable. Substance abuse among young people is on the rise, and juveniles make up a third of total arrests every year. Extra effort and attention is required of policy-makers, educationalists and social workers to help this group make a positive contribution to society. This book seeks to promote understanding of Hong Kong’s young generation and offers strategies for working with them and their families towards healthy and productive development. Divided into three parts — youth in general, youth-at-risk, and young offenders — the book draws on international literature and empirical studies from within Hong Kong. Its focus is on action, always stressing the practical question of how to build a new model for working effectively with them. This book will be essential reading for seasoned professionals as well as undergraduate students in criminology, social policy, and social work, and postgraduates intending to practise in these areas.
Francis Wing-lin Lee
Francis Wing-lin Lee is an associate professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration in the University of Hong Kong. He has been involving in social work education in Hong Kong for over twenty years.? His areas of specialty and research interest include groupwork with young people, individual work and groupwork with ‘youth-at-risk’ and young offenders, youth services, causes of juvenile delinquency, treatment programmes for young offenders, policing and criminology.
Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong推薦,Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong討論,Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong比較評比,Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong開箱文,Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong部落客
Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong那裡買,Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong價格,Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong特賣會,Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong評比,Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong部落客 推薦
厄瓜多火山噴發 火山灰柱衝上5公里高空
這個月看的第一本書Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong是本不錯的人文史地﹐剛出版的時候我就已經在看了
好看的人文史地Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong全書的內容大意
Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong誠意推薦給大家看喔!
看完心情愉快, 正能量滿滿, 大推! 在網路上很夯,人氣蠻不錯。
Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
作者: Francis Wing-lin Lee
新功能介紹- 出版社:香港大學出版社
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2010/12/01
- 語言:英文
The younger generation — those under the age of 25 — accounts for more than a quarter of Hong Kong’s population. A much-misunderstood group, these people have special characteristics and needs, and some are particularly vulnerable. Substance abuse among young people is on the rise, and juveniles make up a third of total arrests every year. Extra effort and attention is required of policy-makers, educationalists and social workers to help this group make a positive contribution to society. This book seeks to promote understanding of Hong Kong’s young generation and offers strategies for working with them and their families towards healthy and productive development. Divided into three parts — youth in general, youth-at-risk, and young offenders — the book draws on international literature and empirical studies from within Hong Kong. Its focus is on action, always stressing the practical question of how to build a new model for working effectively with them. This book will be essential reading for seasoned professionals as well as undergraduate students in criminology, social policy, and social work, and postgraduates intending to practise in these areas.
Francis Wing-lin Lee
Francis Wing-lin Lee is an associate professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration in the University of Hong Kong. He has been involving in social work education in Hong Kong for over twenty years.? His areas of specialty and research interest include groupwork with young people, individual work and groupwork with ‘youth-at-risk’ and young offenders, youth services, causes of juvenile delinquency, treatment programmes for young offenders, policing and criminology.
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作者: Francis Wing-lin Lee
新功能介紹- 出版社:香港大學出版社
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2010/12/01
- 語言:英文
Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong
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Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong推薦,Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong討論,Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong比較評比,Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong開箱文,Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong部落客
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Nurturing Pillars of Society- Understanding and Working with the Young Generation in Hong Kong
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